Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to get rid of rats in the Philippines

Rats are probably one of the most hated creatures in the world because of the fact that they carry diseases with them in the form of feces and urine. These small animals lurk within the comforts of our home at all times when nobody's present.

Since the coming months will be filled with rainy days and unwanted weather disturbances, we should all be prepared to evict these unwanted housemates.

One of the best ways to get rid of rats is to set up traps with food as bait. I think there are traps that can be bought in the market. And using these, we can rely on convenient possible disposal for them. We are innovative people, so some of you may be using Pringles cans or mayo glass jars - that I cannot easily reveal - to make these traps. Kudos! Hope you can share your procedures in making easy-to-make rat traps.

Another way to eliminate these rats is to get to the bottom of their irresistible flourishing - food. Always keep your food out of reach of rats. Place these inside the refrigerator if you plan on re-heating themselves at a later time. Secure your trash cans by making sure that it's not accessible to everyone. Never leave stains or food crumbles in your bedroom, dining area or anywhere.

Aside from these, you can use commercial rat poisons that can be added to bait food. For instance, I somewhat like Racumin because it is an effective killer; however, it's purpose of outsmarting the rats by telling them that it's not what killed their co-pests has its own disadvantage. The slow killing mechanism, due to dehydration caused by Racumin's agents, will not assure us that they die in an easily accessible place. What if these rats were able to reach their dwellings and they died there, it will take time to remove them out of the burrows and the smell of death will automatically disgust you.

Now, if you plan on really removing these rats out of your home, there's this one cheap and effective way that does not entail killing them but will really help you eradicate them. Use fly traps (paper with sticky material in it), and place these near holes in your homes. I actually captured one, a baby rat, today. I don't know what to do with it yet.
With these fly traps, you can get rid of flies, roaches and now, rats!

I hope this has helped you even if pest control is not my profession. If you have other suggestions, do comment them below. Let's help one another get rid of rats to avoid any unwanted health risks.