Sunday, September 9, 2012

Interesting questions about the Catholic Church

I am a Catholic. I am proud of who I am as an instrument for change. But, sometimes, I wonder and ask myself things Church-related that, even if does not seem relevant, will also make you wonder.

This is a post that does not criticize nor commend. I write down in this blog some questions that I have in mind about the Catholic Church, simply referred here as the Church.. Naive and clueless, I just seem to think about these questions over and over again, even when I am inside the Church.

1. With all the investments of constituents of the Church in big conglomerates, why are there still a lot of Filipino beggars in the street? Are they not being sheltered by our beloved priests, with all the collections they make every mass hearing?

2. How is the "ostya" made? What is its composition?

3. Every time there is a blessing or an act of sprinkling water over the mass-hearers' heads, where do they get the water being used?

4. From whom do they source the beautiful statues and handcrafts? They're really wonderful; with every detail so intricate and all, it really interests me.

5. Is the Catholic populace declining? Where I hear mass, at around 10AM, only around 60% of the total seats are completely filled in; another 10-20% of the unoccupied seats become filled only when the Homily is about to finish.

6. Did our priests, ever since they entered the life of simplicity and meekness, commit sins in the entire duration of service? And what's their say on Senator Tito Sotto's plagiarism issue?

7. Is use of condom still banned by the Church? Recently, the Pope has dropped the Catholic ban on condoms (article courtesy: The Telegraph).

8.What do our Reverends do during their free time? Do they watch TV, pray or do something else?

9. Why are tuition fees in Catholic schools expensive?

10. Does a secret society, the Opus Dei, really exist? It really intrigues me, hehe.