Monday, September 10, 2012

Filipinos join Anti-Epal campaign, target epal politicians

Epal politicians may have to think twice now on posting tarps with their faces taking up almost half the space of the publicity materials. People are more aware of these actions and are now responsibly using social networks like Facebook to expose these trapo politicians who plan to run again in the 2013 elections.
The Anti-Epal Facebook page has gathered thousands of people who would serve as critics of politicians who campaign early without consideration of how the public's funds are being used for such impertinent publicity and misguided information dissemination tactics.

An EPAL politician can be characterized as follows:
  • a politician whose name is, in a subtle or evident manner, imprinted on project publicity materials
  • a politician whose face occupies at least 1/4 of the project publicity materials
  • a politician whose name or face can be seen in distributed relief goods/packs and service publicity materials
It is expected that more and more people will be vigilant of their surroundings, easily and conveniently capturing unusual politically-related pubmats. This will definitely be a blast to epals and will force them to adhere to Comelec's rules of campaigning.

The names of the epal politicians will be posted here soon.