Thursday, July 23, 2015

SCIENCE | What the perfect penis looks like

Warning: Readers not aged 18 and up are not allowed to continue reading past this sentence. But for the benefit of learning, you may read at your own risk.

What does the perfect penis look like? Do women prefer longer penises more or fatter penises? Is it the size or the girth?

Researchers investigate what women look for in a penis. In a study entitled "What is a Good Looking Penis?", which was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, researchers determined what penile aspects (or factors) were more important for women. Being part of a larger project focused on men with surgically corrected hypospadias (a condition wherein the opening of the penis is not located at the top of the head but more of below), the study also sought to understand whether these men's penises were "abnormally" looking.

Eight (8) penile aspects were considered and were ranked according to importance from 1 (unimportant) to 5 (important). These included length, girth, and position and shape of urinary opening (meatus), shape of glans, penile skin, scrotum, pubic hair, and general “cosmetic” appearance.

So what was the most important aspect for women? It's general "cosmetic" appearance of the penis. It is interesting to know that length only ranked sixth of eight (by importance). On the other hand, women factored in girth (3rd) and pubic hair (2nd) as two of the most important penile aspects. The least important aspect was position and shape of the meatus.